Guided tour of the discovery site & tower Höhlenblick

Guided tour
Target group
Leisure and adult groups, companies, families and school classes

On this tour, we visit the site where the Neanderthal man's bones were found in the Feldhofer Grotte in 1856. Destroyed by quarry work, the 22 metre high Höhlenblick adventure tower awaits us at the same spot today. With every metre of ascent, we learn more about the wild and romantic Neandertal and its personalities. Picture installations provide an insight into the turbulent history of the finds and the valley. Once at the top, multimedia telescopes bring the ice-age Neandertal to life and allow us to immerse ourselves in the world of the Neanderthals. The 20 metre high rope tunnel also awaits the particularly brave. It leads through the adventure tower at a lofty height and is a welcome shortcut on the ascent - provided your legs don't get wobbly on the rope.


The tour starts at the museum and ends at the Höhlenblick adventure tower. Ramps running in opposite directions ensure a barrier-free ascent to the 22 metre high tower. Please remember to dress appropriately for the weather.


60 minutes


TUE-SUN: € 64,00