Leather pouch

Target group
ages 10 & above

Stone Age people used animal skins and furs to sew their clothes, shoes and bags to protect them from the cold and wet. Clothing finds from the Stone Age are a very rare stroke of luck. The most detailed example of what people wore in the Stone Age was provided by Ötzi, who lived in the Neolithic period. In this workshop you will be given an awl made of bone, leather and leather straps to make your own small pouch.


The workshop begins with an introduction to the Stone Age way of life of the people of that time. Handouts such as animal skins, animal bones and flints illustrate the topic. In the practical part, you will use a bone awl and a leather strap to sew a small leather bag that you can take home with you.


60 minutes


Tue - Sun: € 5.00 per person, minimum € 75.00