Discovery Site & Höhlenblick tower

Enter the place that turned evolution on its head. This is where he was discovered and where he got his name: The world-famous Neanderthal. The discovery site, just 400 metres away, is part of the Neanderthal Museum and the Höhlenblick ("cave view") tower is not to be missed during your visit.

Blick auf Erlebnisturm Höhlenblick durch Silhouette von Neanderthaler bei Fundstelle

Discover Feldhofer Grotte cave

The Feldhofer Grotte, where the remains of the Neanderthal were found in 1856, was destroyed by quarry work. After renewed excavations in 1997 and 2000, the world-famous site was initially redesigned to resemble a park.

Familie schaut durch virtuelles Fernrohr auf Erlebnisturm Höhlenblick

Travel back to the Stone Age

Today, you can stand on the Höhlenblick tower exactly where the Neanderthal cave was once located. From here, you can look through virtual telescopes at the Stone Age Neandertal valley - this is the Höhlenblick ("cave view").

Erwachsene neben Infotafeln über Fundstelle am Erlebnisturm Höhlenblick

Journey through the turbulent history of the valley

On the way up, audio and visual installations of important contemporary witnesses give you an insight into the turbulent history of the finds and the valley. On the top platform of the Höhlenblick tower, you will stand directly under the many times enlarged reconstruction of the skullcap found here.

Erwachsene berühren Skelett auf Erlebnisturm Höhlenblick

The famous Neanderthal bones

Here it is: the skeleton of the Neanderthal man as it was found here at the time (reconstruction). If you scan the QR code, you can view the burial scene that took place up here in a 360° image.

Icon Kalender

Guided tours to the site

You can book a group guided tour of the site here.

Familie in Klettertunnel im Erlebnisturm Höhlenblick bei der Fundstelle

Cross the climbing tunnel at a height of 20 metres

The Höhlenblick tower is a real experience for children thanks to its spiral structure alone. However, a special highlight awaits you just before the top platform. A climbing tunnel runs right across the Höhlenblick tower and is a welcome shortcut on the way up - provided your legs don't get wobbly.

Erwachsene stehen an Schild bei Fundstelle in Outdoor Erlebniswelt

Opening hours and prices

The Neanderthal discovery site is generally open from Tuesday to Friday between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. (holidays and public holidays not included). Access is regulated via a turnstile or gate and is included in the ticket price for the Neanderthal Museum. Individual tickets are also available exclusively for the archaeological site and the Höhlenblick tower.

Blinde Frau ertastet Skelett auf barrierefreiem Erlenbisturm Höhlenblick

The site is accessible

The path to the site is barrier-free and accessible. Ramps running in opposite directions with a slight incline ensure a barrier-free ascent to the 22 metre high Höhlenblick tower. You can even access it with a wheelchair. The virtual telescopes and the Neanderthal bones are also wheelchair accessible.

Erwachsene zeigen vor Museum auf Übersichtskarte der Outdoor Erlebniswelt

The Discovery Site is part of the Neandertal World of Discovery

Other highlights such as the Ice Age Animal Park or the Stone Age Playground await you in the Neandertal World of Discovery. Located between Düsseldorf and Wuppertal, you can experience a varied day trip in any weather.

With many thanks to the sponsors of the tower Höhlenblick project: