Programme for the visually impaired and blind
Target group
Visually impaired and blind people, on special request also for sighted people, recommended for 5 to max. 10 participants

Would you like to learn about the history of mankind in a sensory way? As part of this programme, you will be presented with artefacts, fossils and models that you can see, smell, taste, touch and hear. Feel the differences between the skull of a Neanderthal and that of a Homo sapiens sapiens. Feel the fossilised molar of a mammoth or the tools of Stone Age people. Sniff the Stone Age lighter, try small samples of palaeo-food or listen to the sounds of a bone flute and get an idea of evolutionary history.


At the TOUCHPOINT, you sit at a table in a cosy atmosphere and are gradually handed 10-20 exhibits, which we use to talk about and experience the development of mankind. Sighted people are loaned eye masks for the programme.


60 minutes


Tuesday - Sunday: € 49,00